Well, my Pawrents went to
Have to admit that while they were gone we had a pawsome time at home with a very nice Lady that stayed with us the whole time. My Bro, Ray gained 1 ½ Lbs. and Meee gained ½ Lb. so my Mommy knew that we did not miss them much.
Meee is busy lately with all kinds of fun projects and the most important one is…
My new little Sister, Aida ♥
Her full name is Princess Aida Chi-Chi Spaulding and she is my age and was rescued by the same wonderful Humans that saved Meee, the Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue.
She had the same foster Mama as Meee :o)
Aida moved in with us on July 3rd and we were all very busy trying to make her feel at home. See, she did not have a very nice past so she came in very shy and afraid of my Daddy :o( That made him feel bad and sad but with lots of love and patience, now she is better with him.
Now, with Meee and my Bros, she acts very though and tries to take over but Meee laid down the rules of my Pack (Neeko is the Boss) and she understands that most of the time.
Aida is a Morkie girl (Yorkie/Maltese) and we are all very much in love with her.
Check out her beautiful dresses that my Mama Corrine made:
This is her Princess dress for the Yorkie Ball that we are all going to in October ♥
Here she is with her pink hearts dress...
As you can see, she is very comfortable in MY lookout window...
This next outfit was made for our upcoming boating outing :o)
My Mommy asked my Mama Corrine if she could make Aida an outfit appropriate for the boat cruise that we go on every year and not only that she made one for her on very short notice but she also made her a hat to go with it and...
she surprised Meee with a vest :o) We just LOVE our foster Mama Corrine. The Lady that is the president of the Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue, MaryElizabeth, said that the vest was a gift for Meee :o) from them. Meee is sooo blessed!
Weee cannot waaaaaaaait for the doggy boat cruise that my Pawrents scheduled for Sunday, August 28th :o) If you have a moment take a look at my last year's Doggy boat cruise on Lake Michigan
My good Friend Mr. Pip will be coming again this year :o) Yay!!!
Got to go now but not before Meee leaves you with my Joke of the post:
~ The flight attendant watched a passenger try to stuff his hopelessly overloaded bags into the overhead bin. Finally she informed him that he would have to check the over-sized luggage.
"When I fly other airlines," he said irritably, "I never have this problem!"
She smiled and said, "Sir, when you fly other airlines, I don't have this problem either." ~
"When I fly other airlines," he said irritably, "I never have this problem!"
She smiled and said, "Sir, when you fly other airlines, I don't have this problem either." ~

Hey Neeko good to see you back, I woundered where you had got to!!
Hi Aida lovely to meet you.
Neeko she's cute ;)
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx
So glad to have you back on your blog. Happy that we're facebook friends though so I didn't have to wait for your surprise. Aida just looks (and I'm sure is) so sweet and angelic even. I'm so glad she has you all. Have a great weekend!
Your new sister is adorable, and you look very happy together!
We'll see you on the cruise! ;)
It's great to see you back!! What a cute sister you have now!!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly
Welcome to Blogville, AIDA!! You will just LOVE it HERE!!
Welcome BACK Neeko... I have really missed you. WOW your new sister is a real STUNNER.. the BoDawgs are gonna go WILD.
I missed you
It's gweat news that you and Way had such a good time and gained weight while youw pawents went on theiw twip( I hope they had a most wondewful time)
And what a fantaboolous suwpwise fow me..intwodoocing youw new sissie Aida
she is a cutie pie and I'm suwe she'll undewstand that you awe the boss awound thewe, hehehe
those outfits made by youw Momma Cowwinene awe spectacoolaw! so becoming..I know you will bof be the bestest dwessed on that cwoose
smoochie kisses
Yay Neeko, you're back! Congrats on having a new sister, Princess Aida sure looks sweet and cute ^^ Love those outfits especially the one for the boat cruise.
Have a great weekend!
Love ya,
Jon Terry
Woof! Woof! Golden Hello! Just passing by to say Lots of Golden Thanks for your Barkday Wishes. I had a PAWSOME Barkday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh How cute are your outfits. Good thing we are FB friends too that we got see your sister first. Mmmm was hoping we could go for lunch after your boat ride. We will be in WI that weekend for a show n Sunday is my big day caused I am participating in one of the event.
Oh well maybe next time ... we have to find some time to meet up. Golden Woofs
Hi Neeko - Congratulations on your adorable new little sister!
How could I have missed this post?!!?!?! Oh my dog! Neeko, she is sooooo beautiful! Oh, what a beautiful sister in law she will make!! Oh...my... how bold of me. Heehee!
Amei voce, seu blog, sua irmãzinha e as lindas fotos.
Sou a KIPPY, uma YORK e moro no BRASIL.
Gostaria de ser amiga de voces e que voces visitassem meu blog e fossem meus amigos também (Seguidores).
Eu estou SEGUINDO vocês.
Gosto de manter amizades pelo mundo todo e deixar e receber recados no blog.
Espero que gostem de mim, como eu gostei de voces.
Espero voces com muita alegria.
Aus 1000 com amor...
Neekoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! I missed you so much! Nice to meet your new sister Aida, she's so lovely!!
Have a nice week.
Woof, woof,
hello i love your yorkie watching the beach !! lovely .
Obrigada pela visita em meu bloguinho.
Volte sempre, será muito bem vindo.
Sou sua Seguidora, gostaria de ter sua fotinho no meu blog também sendo SEGUIDOR, voce é uma graça, e ficará lindo no meio de meus amigos.
Agradeço e Parabéns pelo seu blog.
Aus 1000 com amor...
You and Aida look so Preppy Puppy in your boating outfits. Where is your Captain's hat, though? Hmmmmm??? You two are absolutely gorgeous. Have fun on your cruise. I want PICTURES!!!! And be sure to wear your swim vests. No sinking allowed.
Oh gosh, I missed this post! Sorry! Aida is SO BEAUTIFUL and we were so excited to meet her today. What an angel!
Hope Neeko is feeling better!
Your pal, Pip
I have missed you! I think mom had abandoned me the week you posted this.
Welcome to your new sissy Aida, her is a cutie patootie!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Welcome Aida. How cute are you and Neeko. Like your outfits. Have fun on the cruise. What nice hoomans you have for a family!!!
Like the jokes too.
Olá Lindnho amigo. Tudo bem?
Quero te avisar que é meu ANIVERSÁRIO e estou muito feliz, queria que voce fosse em meu blog ver minha festa e participar. Está bem legal e quero meus amiguinhos perto de mim. Te espero com muito carinho em meu blog pro meu ANIVERSÁRIO, ok?
Aus 1000 com amor...
Olá.... Achei a Princesa linda demais. E voce também, claro.
Sou suspeita de falar, porque também sou YORK e acho a nossa raça tão lindinha. Amo todas, mas acho que a gente tem um jeitinho legal também. Entende né?
Quero te agradecer por ter ido ao meu blog dar os parabéns pelo meu aniversário, fiquei muito feliz com o seu carinho. OBRIGADA!
Meus Avós fizeram uma festinha surpresa de aniversário para mim e foi legal. Gostaria que voce visse lá no meu blog. A Mamãe colocou algumas fotos da festa. Vai lá, voces são bem vindos sempre.
Espero voces com grande alegria sempre. A Mamãe manda beijos pra voces.
Aus 1000 com amor, carinho e gratidão da amiguinha...
Hi Neeko
Just catching up on my blogging friends hows your sister?
I now have a sister shes coming up to 5 months old she has been with us for nearly two weeks, moms pleased at how well we are getting on.
Have a good Week
See Yea George xxx
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